Katie Lees


I run so I can eat more cake.


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Katie Lees
Katie Lees went on a community mission

Wed 29th May at 6:00pm

Without hard work, nothing grows but weeds

Leeds Report written by Laura

Tonight, 10 GoodGymers headed down to St Stephen's Church Hall to clear their garden. We haven't visited here since last summer and couldn't believe how overgrown it was again! We thought that we'd pulled all the weeds up from the roots last year, but unfortunately they were back in full force! As it was a big group, we got to work & cleared more or less all of the front garden. We'll be back in a few weeks to do the back garden.

Thanks to Helen for leading a warm down at the end.

Welcome to Leah & Ting who came for their first session tonight!

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Katie Lees
Katie Lees went on a community mission

Wed 22nd May at 6:00pm

Snack Force!

Leeds Report written by Laura

After a welcome box of cookies were provided by Jubz tonight, we nominated him our new Snack Force lead. Big responsibility but we think he's up to the job :)

After a last minute scramble to change task tonight, we decided to go back up to the OWLS allotment to finish the job we started last week. We weeded in the rain, the torrential rain! But a cookie break definitely helped.

After a vicious ant got into my sock, Jubz enjoyed informing me that ants actually sting, they don't bite. You learn something every week at GoodGym Leeds!

Thanks to all who braved the rain and apologies to those that missed out due to the change in task.

Well done to Katie Lees for completing her 140th good deed! What a superstar!

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Leeds runner

Wed 22nd May at 10:09pm

Apparently they also bite still, fake news everywhere, don't believe what I say What is certain is that stinging nettles definitely sting


Thu 23rd May at 3:50pm


Katie Lees
Katie Lees went on a community mission

Sat 18th May at 11:00am

Sunshine Saturday

Leeds Report written by Laura

This morning, 4 members of GoodGym Leeds headed to Ash Road Allotments to work on the OWLS allotment. It was a beautifully sunny morning, so we all enjoyed being outside in the peace and quiet with Moira, one of the OWLS volunteers.

We cleared another area of weeds to ensure that the space is as accessible as possible for their service users.

This was Helen Steel's 10th GoodGym mission & Helen Noyes' 145th!!! Thanks for all you do for GoodGym Leeds.

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