Richmond Furniture Scheme

Welcome to Richmond Furniture Scheme. Your local furniture recycling charity based in Twickenham, where you can find good value for money and quality second-hand furniture! Richmond Furniture Scheme is a small charitable organisation set up to help people in need by collecting donated furniture in good condition from the Richmond borough area and reusing it. A small charge is made to those people that are referred.

But to ensure that all donated furniture is reused, and to help make the Scheme more self-sufficient, the Scheme is open to sell furniture to all people residing in the Richmond Borough.

61 GoodGymers have supported Richmond Furniture Scheme with 27 tasks.

Top supporters
Richmond runner
Richmond runner
Beth (she/her)

Upcoming sessions

Previous sessions
RichmondCommunity mission

Weed do it all over again

Saturday 18th May

Written by Richmond runner

It was a drier morning than forecast, thankfully, as we were outside for this month’s trip to RFS.

Some very persistent weeds we’ve previously had dealings with had got too big for their boots again so we shuffled into battle armed with only one pair of secateurs and our own brute strength. What we couldn’t pull, we chopped, and what we couldn’t chop, we delicately disentangled while remarking how fiddly it all was.

We left the car park looking a lot less neglected than we found it and will hopefully have more hands on deck next time we return to RFS on 15 June.

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RichmondCommunity mission
Adam StephensJPSam
Alice 🌸Jack Concanon

Bench-eficial Fitness!

Saturday 20th April

Written by Adam Stephens

Seven GoodGymers turned out for our monthly visit to the Richmond Furniture Scheme.

First off, we welcomed Alice, who was attending her first ever Richmond Good Gym task.

We were assigned by RFS’s Volunteer Coordinator Lucy to create a sitting area for the RFS staff to enjoy bench-ficial lunches in the upcoming summer months ahead.

With this in mind, we set about moving the donated bicycles into the recycling pile and to make it easier for them to be transferred to another charity, Re-Circulate, an organisation which train prisoners to refurbish bikes and equip them with technical skills that they can use to gain employment.

Once done, we cleared the surrounding area of rubbish and slotted the garden bench into place.

We also created an additional seating place for others to sit and enjoy! A job well done.

You can sign up for the upcoming visits to RFS by using the link below.

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RichmondCommunity mission
Adam StephensKarla
Pippa AJack Concanon

Cutting it Vine

Saturday 16th March

Written by Adam Stephens

Our monthly visit to the Richmond Furniture Scheme seems to come around quicker and quicker every time!

We had six Goodgymers turn up raring to go on a glorious and much welcome sunny morning.

Both Jack and Pippa in particular seemed energised having run 10k and 8k respectively.

Once arrived, we were tasked by Lucy with finishing off clearing the back of the RFS building by cutting back and racking up the vines and the overgrown ivy.

Karla and Suze proved adept at chopping the vines back on the building, Adam focused on the undergrowth, while Chris removed the resulting debris.

Overall a job well done and we avoided cutting it vine.

You can sign up for the upcoming visits to RFS by using the link below.

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RichmondCommunity mission
Adam Stephens
Jack Concanon

The Fast and the Foam-rious!

Saturday 17th February

Written by Adam Stephens

Our second visit to the Richmond Furniture Scheme of 2024, saw four Goodgymers turn up raring to go.

Jack in particular seemed energised having impressively run over 10k to get to RFS.

Once arrived, we were tasked by Chief Executive Simon with washing the new van, which is used frequently for picking up furniture from people’s homes who want to donate to the scheme as well as making deliveries.

Armed with buckets of foamy, water, sponges and a pressure washer we set about the job at hand.

Chris, with help from the step ladder, was successfully able to scrub the harder to reach areas, Jack proved adept with the pressure washer, meanwhile, Rosie and Adam focused on the finer details, leaving van as good as new.

You can sign up for the upcoming visits to RFS by using the link below.

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RichmondCommunity mission
Pippa ASophia StanleyJack Concanon

I’ve got 99 problems, but a hammer solves most!

Saturday 20th January

Written by Adam Stephens

Our first Richmond Furniture Scheme of 2024, saw a large turn out of 10 Good Gymers. We welcomed two new GoodGymers, Sophia and Sophie, who were attending their first ever session! After a welcome offer of a hot beverage from RFS Volunteer Coordinator Lucy, we set about breaking down the remaining sofas, for reusable wood. The sofas were originally used at the Whitton Social Club, the previous occupiers of the RFS building. In addition, we also positioned the remaining waste ready for removal early next month. The breaking down of furniture was definitely therapeutic, particularly with the aid of hammers and saws. A satisfying job well done, you can sign up for the upcoming visits to RFS by using the link below.

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RichmondCommunity mission
Adam StephensJPBeth
Cliff Homow

GG Hammer!

Saturday 16th December 2023

Written by Adam Stephens

Our final Richmond Furniture Scheme visit of 2023 saw seven Goodgymers ready for hammer time.

First and foremost we welcomed Cliff, who was attending his ever good gym session!

RFS then subsequently assigned us with the task of disassembling the sofas that were used originally by the Whitton Social Club, previously based at the RFS building.

RFS wanted to recycle some of the wood from the furniture to see if it could be used for future items.

Luckily we were able to use RFS’s workshop that included numerous saws and hammers.

The sofas proved to be very well put together, but fortunately, however, both Beth and Anita showed they were not to be messed with when it comes to using saws and hammers!

JP, meanwhile, was also up for hammer time as he proved his worth when it came to breaking down the furniture, while Chris found time to name the Magnetic sweeper as his tool of the year!

Overall, a job well done!

See link below to sign up for the RFS visits in 2024.

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