

🎵 Weedlife

2 GoodGymers made their way to help an isolated older person in Ealing.

  • Sevan
  • Kash
Saturday, 29th of June 2024

Kash and Sevan were helping Ms C for the second time with her garden. The mission was to tidy the front garden, which Ms C briefly pointed at before leading Kash and Sevan into the back garden where she reeled off a long list of jobs to do.

3 back garden jobs were quickly completed. Chopping and bagging some dead plants, tying some stems to make bushes in the flower bed stand up straight and randomly, rolling up and old rug to be stored away. Then it was on to the longer tasks. Usual roles were taken, with Kash trimming the grass with the lawnmower and Sevan weeding the flowerbeds in the back garden.

Kash took the final task of cutting the leaves off some bulbs as Ms C thought that some pesky mice were taking cover amongst them. Then, with 30 minutes of the mission to go, Ms C asked Sevan:

"Are you going to have time for the front garden?" - Ms C
"What's more important, the front or back garden?" - Sevan
"The front" - Ms C

Well, that was news to the GoodGymers. The front garden had barely been mentioned so far. Kash and Sevan changed their focus and went out front where they saw that the flower bed was fairly small, but had lots of weeds.

As Kash and Sevan got started, a young man walked past, looked at what they were doing and said

"Doing a bit of weeding, eh? Weedlife"

The neighbours looked at him, as did Kash and Sevan, all having the same thought. In a few seconds, the whole street burst into song.

We get up when we want except on Junior parkrun days when we get rudely awakened by our alarm clocks (weedlife)
We put our GoodGym kit on, power up on oatmeal and prepare to leave the house (weedlife)
We weed the gardens, we sometimes weed in meadows too
It gives us an enormous sense of well being (weedlife) and then we're happy for the rest of the day
Safe in the knowledge there will always be a bit under our fingernails devoted to it

All the people
So many people
And they all go hand in hand
Hand in hand through their weedlife

Weedlife (weedlife)

Weedlife (weedlife)
It's got nothing to do with your "Vorsprung durch Technik", you know
Weedlife (weedlife)
And it's not about you joggers who pointlessly go round and round and round and round (weedlife)

And at that point, the neighbours chants of "weedlife" got quieter and quieter as they went back into their homes, leaving only Kash, Sevan and Ms C on a quiet street with a weedless flower bed.

Report written by Sevan

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Bodyline Studio

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