Weed clearance for Mrs M (flexi mission) (Wk1)

She will be able to access/leave property safely.

Date and time
18:00 - 19:30
Friday, 28th of June 2024


Please note that this mission has been cancelled.

Belsize Priory Medical Centre has asked if we can help Mrs M with clearing the weeds from her front and back garden as these are impacting on her safe access. Mrs M has a range of cutting and digging tools and equipment available onsite.

GoodGym has listed this mission for one or two GoodGymers. Two GoodGymers can go together, but the mission will still go ahead with one if only one person signs up by the deadline. If you are concerned about going solo, please do not feel under pressure to attend. Instead, please send us an email to missioncontrol@goodgym.org. If you let us know, we will not confirm it unless we have a second GoodGymer.

If you’d like to do this mission but cannot make any of the listed times or dates, please email missioncontrol@goodgym.org and we will do our best to organise this for you.



York runner
York runner
Thursday June 27th, 2024 11:06

Volunteer no longer available tomorrow evening but has asked to reschedule for Tuesday evening after 6pm which Mrs M is happy with. This task will therefore be re-listed for Tuesday instead.

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Date and time
18:00 - 19:30
Friday, 28th of June 2024


Sign up by 6:00pm on Thursday 27th June

Confirmation email will be sent by Thursday evening

Confidential location in Camden. Approximate location to the nearest 150m shown

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