
Community mission

Books inspiration

2 GoodGymers made their way to help the Brighton Book Festival in Brighton.

  • Juliet O'Brien
Saturday, 22nd of June 2024

There was something for anybody at the Brighton Book Festival – Making the marginalised mainstream. This is a lively grassroots festival formed by two independent bookshops in Brighton with equity at its heart. A place where writers from underrepresented backgrounds are the main event, and where diverse audiences can see themselves reflected. A lively event where volunteers made a real difference by being the backbone workforce contributing to its success!

GoodGym Brighton was there setting up and helping to deliver the Family Day, fun packed with creative workshops – from painting sealife on big floor canvas, making crafts, to storytelling and open mic. And, at the end of the week, we helped to ease and speed up the event packing down.

A brilliant festival with inspirational outcomes, as hereafter quoted:

Stefania: "Passionate about food (saving and making 😊), I was inspired to attend ‘Around the Table’ session to explore food and culture with top cookery writers bringing not only their knowledge, but glorious food tasters for our enjoyment. I left inspired to read more and cook responsibly, and with a great free book in hands to begin with: ‘Revenous – how to get ourselves and our planet into shape’"

Juliet: "As a huge fan the late James Baldwin (American writer and civil rights activist) I was very excited to attend this black men's author and poet round table discussion celebrating his legacy. It didn't disappoint, it was a fascinating open discussion about race, gender and sexuality. The Brighton book festival was a brilliant inclusive and inspiring festival, where everyone was very friendly, and this was a great introduction. Next year I hope to attend more events."

Report written by STEFANIA ROSSO

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    • Juliet O'Brien

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