Restore Nature Now - York march

March to protect the nature we love in York

St Helen's Square
Date and time
13:30 - 15:30
Sunday, 21st of July 2024

In June, dozens of organisations and thousands of their membership (including a few GoodGym folk!) joined the Restore Nature Now march in London. Getting to a march in London isn't doable for everyone, so a York version of this is being held in July.

The Restore Nature Now campaign is centred around 5 key demands, each of which would help protect wildlife in York and across the country (these are in more detail on this webpage): 1: A pay rise for nature 2: Make polluters pay 3: More space for nature 4: A right to a healthy environment 5: Fair and effective climate action

This London march was backed by the National Trust, RSPB, Woodland Trust, WWF, Friends of the Earth, the Wildlife Trusts and plenty more. Nature and conservation organisations across York (including many that GG York have helped) are being invited to join this as well!

Despite being hailed as a “green and pleasant land”, the UK is actually one of the most nature depleted countries in the world. We’ve lost 73 million birds and 97% of our wildflower meadows over the last 50 years and they’re just the facts I can remember.

Loads of GoodGym tasks are great for improving biodiversity but we can also use our voices to call for bigger changes to protect the wildlife we've been fortunate enough to do tasks with. There is also a GoodGym Environmental Working Group people are welcome to join.

Bring yourselves, your ideas for a better planet, a placard if you’re feeling radical, a tambourine?! And probably something to eat and drink. The event is family-friendly, so feel free to bring family and friends!

📍 The march is from St Helen's Square to Millenium Bridge

⏰ People will meet at 13:30, and slowly walk to Millenium Bridge - bring a placard, and there'll probably be some nice chanting on the march

💚 People are encouraged to dress as wildlife (plant or animal) native to York, and there's likely to be a picnic at the end (and GoodGym people might decide to head to the pub after!)

Any questions - just drop a comment, ask in the WhatsApp group, or email me

If there are any changes to the plan, I'll let people know - as this event is being put together by XR York, it might also be useful to keep an eye on their socials!

Who's going

  • Dom Tooze


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St Helen's Square
Date and time
13:30 - 15:30
Sunday, 21st of July 2024

St Helen's Square

Dom Tooze
Led by Dom Tooze

Run leader, coach & mission runner, and enjoy running across York and London. Trying to do big runs/walks when I can!

What to look out for

Age Restriction

GoodGym welcomes anyone aged 18 or over. If you are under 18 then you will be unable to participate in any GoodGym activity

Make sure you've read our general guidelines for safety when running and at a task.

This event is not organised by GoodGym and GoodGym takes no responsibility for your participation in the event.

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