Don't spy on me Argentina

2 GoodGymers made their way to help an isolated older person in Hammersmith and Fulham.

  • Sevan
  • Kash
Sunday, 30th of June 2024

When you sign up for a mission summarised as pushing a wardrobe, you don't know whether it is a 10-minute or a 1-hour and 10-minute job. Sevan and Kash hoped for an easy good deed, coming to Mrs G on Sunday afternoon.

The corner of her bedroom, which Mrs G envisaged as the perfect spot for the wardrobe, was occupied by a pile of bags and suitcases the GoodGymers had to move. Mrs G's bedroom redesign didn't factor in all that stuff, so Sevan and Kash left the bags in the room, out of the way.

The cupboard was too heavy to move, so the GoodGymers had to open it, despite not wanting to spy on Mrs G's wardrobe affairs. The lady's coats inside finally got to see daylight (or at least lightbulb light) when temporarily taken out to lighten the load. After that adjustment, the wardrobe slid nicely into the corner, making space for another - as volunteers found out - wardrobe coming soon to Mrs G.

The quick-win mission ended with Mrs G walking Sevan and Kash to the door and asking what was their take on the origin of the music played loudly by the neighbours. Mrs G interpreted it as something Eastern European, but for the GoodGymers the beat sounded more Latin American. No one could hear the words well, but Sevan was confident enough to place his bet for Argentinian tunes.

Report written by Kash

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Tuesday 18:30 - 19:55
Led by Jonathan

Hammersmith Fitness & Squash Centre

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