

Lawn Ranger

1 GoodGymer made their way to help an isolated older person in Hounslow.

  • Michelle
Friday, 28th of June 2024

Mrs P has a long back garden with two long sections of grass surrounded by plants and shrubs. She used to love being out in the garden and kept on top of it herself but can no longer manage. Mrs P was keen to do what she could, and stayed with me while I started Strimming the long grass.

It’s a good job she did because the strimmer had other ideas, and the wire kept detaching. So Mrs P showed me how to rewind the wire and get it going again, which was needed as it must have happened about 10 times in the space of an hour.

After the first part of the lawn was strimmed I had better luck with the lawn mower.

I must be in my mowing era having spent the past few missions and group sessions mowing lawns.

Mrs P found some secateurs and cut back some shrubs while I cleared some bindweed and bagged up the cuttings and she told me about her two great loves, her family and travelling.

Report written by Michelle

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