

Space invaders

2 GoodGymers made their way to help an isolated older person in Hounslow.

  • Michelle
  • Alan Armstrong
Wednesday, 26th of June 2024

Alan and I had a slow jog down to Ms A‘s on a muggy Wednesday evening, to continue helping Ms A and her daughter with clearing through items in Ms A’s house.

Alan had started clearing the lounge on a previous mission. Today we were helping to move various items from the bedroom into the lounge to help Ms A sought through. It was keep, donate or dispose. While Ms A’s fluffy cat kept an eye on us from the garden.

Every part of the room cleared helps Ms A to get more space back, and the impetus to carry on sorting through keepsakes. The floor area being clear will help with moving around the property too.

Report written by Michelle

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Wednesday 18:30 - 20:00
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Chiswick Town Hall

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