Samantha Belfrage


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Samantha Belfrage
Samantha Belfrage went on a group run

Wed 22nd May at 6:00pm

Tip(ner) of the Iceberg

Portsmouth Report written by Jen Stoneham

The recent storms certainly had a lot to answer for - our return to the Tipner shoreline couldn't have come soon enough!

An insane amount of debris and litter covered the entire beach - with delightful finds from tampons and socks, to buoys and boat seats!

Wilson would have been impressed with Katie's limbless Barbie find. And always one to make any situation more GoodGym, I enjoyed a spot of skipping with a recovered piece of rope.

Some of the rubbish we found was so big we had to abandon the bin bags and fill up a battered old boat with tires, tents and tarpaulins. This has been reported to PCC in a hope they'll remove it as its now all in one place.

When the wild winds were joined by the rain, we decided to call it quits and hot-footed it back to base. Well done for a valiant effort this evening, team!

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Katie Carew-Robinson

Wed 22nd May at 8:24pm

I think we look convincingly like we're having a good time 😆

Samantha Belfrage
Samantha Belfrage went on a community mission

Tue 21st May at 12:00pm

Tidy Job

Portsmouth Report written by Lucy Booth

Packed down, washed up, put away. Job done, quick and easy with seven on the team

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Val Cameron
Samantha Belfrage
Samantha Belfrage went on a community mission

Tue 21st May at 10:30am

Canned it

Portsmouth Report written by Lucy Booth

Busy session with 25 parcels packed and distributed. 6 goodgymers plus Rob as a guest made it run smoothly.

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Val CameronWilson
Samantha Belfrage
Samantha Belfrage signed up to a community mission.

Tue 21st May at 12:00pm

Pack down All Saint's Tuesday Food Bank

Prepare food parcels for next week and move all the furniture

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Val Cameron
Samantha Belfrage
Samantha Belfrage signed up to a group run.

Wed 22nd May at 6:00pm

Back to Tip-ner

Help clear the storm debris

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Val Cameron
Samantha Belfrage
Samantha Belfrage went on a group run

Wed 15th May at 6:00pm

Raising the Roof!

Portsmouth Report written by Jen Stoneham

This evening we welcomed Alondra to her first ever GoodGym session! It was lovely to meet you, and hope to see you at another task soon.

We had possibly the shortest run we've had on a Wednesday evening for a while as we were visiting St Mary's Church, just the other side of the alley from Fratton Community Centre. We mixed it up a bit by zig-zagging across the church yard and throwing in some side-steps, high knees and a sprint finish to the church doors.

We started off with the challenge of matching the correct panels of four separate gazebos from a massive bundle, then folding and stashing them away. Some military precision was needed to get all of the elements in their bags, but we achieved it with style!

We then got some proper GoodGym weight-work in, with myself, Sam and Katie up on the vestry roof, receiving tables passed up a ladder by the rest of the team.

We even found another task whilst up on the roof, sorting through all of the church's panto gear ready for Christmas. Rosie from St Mary's has offered an exclusive trip up the Bell Tower in return for our help with this, so keep your eyes peeled for the task listing!

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